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A Japanese woman named Hawayo Takara told the story of monk and academic Dr. Mikao Usui who, at the end of the nineteenth century, received a direct transmission of the codes and symbols of Universal energy used in the practice of Reiki. Having learnt from Master Usui, Takara went over to America from Japan and began to spread the transmission of Reiki throughout the west. Every Reiki Master since can trace their lineage directly back to Dr. Usui.

How it works

Energy is transmitted through the hands to various parts of the body, either through a light touch or by holding the hands just above the body. The body takes the energy in, distributing it around the system as needed. It works on all levels at once - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual - and has a balancing and normative effect. This makes it particularly useful for acute conditions and many situations where other treatments would be contraindicated, such as pregnancy, for people with active cancer, people with pacemakers, very recent injuries and post-operative care.

What to expect

During the session you may experience some physical sensations - tingling, buzzing, energy flowing through the body.  You may have a spontaneous release of emotion as the body releases - this is quite common and nothing to worry about. Afterwards people generally report feeling lighter, freer and more energised. Some detox is common during the 24-48 hours after a session - you can expect some degree of grogginess and tiredness initially in these cases, but this will soon disappear with a little rest and plenty of water.

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