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Biofield Tuning

What is Biofield Tuning and how does it work?

Biofield Tuning is a beautifully simple yet multi-faceted process. 

Every living thing holds an electric charge and so has its own magnetic field, or biofield. The biofield is a torus, shaped like a donut, with a negative charge at one pole and a positive charge at the other, effectively like a battery. Perfect health is a state of balanced flow in and around this toroidal field. Accidents, emotional trauma and destructive patterns create blockages in this flow which sooner or later manifest in physical disease or mental health issues. 


The human biofield was mapped by sound healing pioneer Eileen McKusick, who found that different ailments, diseases and emotional patterns are stored in particular places of the biofield. Just as we share the same physical anatomy, the anatomy of the biofield remains the same from person to person. When we place the tuning forks in these blocked areas the sound changes, experiencing turbulence as it meets the energetic disturbance. Simply put, we resolve the disturbance by holding the tuning fork there until the sound rings true again. As the disturbance resolves, the patterns creating it dissolve, making the way for new, healthier patterns to emerge. The energy tied up in the disturbance is freed up to be used in other ways.


We can also work on the physical body to aid lymph flow, restore the energy pathways along the meridians and work with scars, arthritic joints, spinal issues, muscle-skeletal problems and broken bones.  Not suitable for those in immediate post-operative care, those with pacemakers or those in the first stages of pregnancy.

What can I expect from a Biofield session?

During the session you may experience some physical sensations - tingling, buzzing, energy flowing through the body.  You may have a spontaneous release of emotion as blockages release - this is quite common and nothing to worry about. Afterwards people generally report feeling lighter, freer and more energised. Some detox is common during the 24-48 hours after a session - you can expect some degree of grogginess and tiredness initially in these cases, but this will soon disappear with a little rest and plenty of water.

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