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Resonant Health

Wellness through sound, movement & creativity

"We are slowed-down sound and light waves, a walking bundle of frequencies tuned into the cosmos."

Albert Einstein


'Thank you so much for the Biofield sessions. They have proved most insightful and very helpful for my individual progress. The integration through my timeline has been and will remain a touchstone as new insights arise. Christina's ability to work with sound

is profound.'

Doreen Storey, shaman

'I have had several sessions with Christina now, working on my Biofield.


I was initially sceptical when she suggested conducting the sessions over the phone. Despite this, the first session had a profound effect on me physically and mentally, causing me to approach future sessions with intention. This allowed me to reach a state of balanced energy flow more quickly.


I have struggled with depression, anxiety and emotional imbalances all my adult life. I have tried many different approaches to ease and tackle these issues but none have produced such immediate and effective relief as the tuning sessions. After a session I literally feel years younger… I feel ‘lighter’ physically, focussed, alert, relaxed and at ease. This state of being can last for days after the session.


Christina uses a variety of techniques with the forks depending on how I’ve presented. As she works remotely on my Biofield, and by using the visualisation techniques she suggests, I can literally feel the energy in my body moving around as she works. She even managed to relieve the last of my Covid symptoms using these techniques!


In addition to the treatments Christina has also given me a wealth of tips to maintain good energy balance and keep my frequency high. These include further visualisations, grounding techniques, and use of a Sonic Slider. Using the Sonic Slider helps me clear my head enough to start the day confidently, and has helped alleviate several physical issues - COPD, prostate enlargement, sinus pressure and blockage, dental abscesses and random aches and pains.


I would thoroughly recommend booking a session with Christina to see for yourself the profound effect that Biofield tuning can have on one’s physical health and mental wellbeing.'

Rob Law, jazz pianist

'I consider myself to be very open minded but Biofield Tuning was something I had never heard of. It sounded very interesting as I was aware of vibration techniques that were used in the repair of bone fractures to speed up recovery. I was curious to see what this could do for me especially as medical intervention had recently failed to help me.


I immediately warmed to Christina - she has a very calm yet confident manner and I felt very comfortable in her presence. From the beginning she was very informative, explaining how the energy fields work and how the tuning forks can help with the many negative issues we find ourselves having to deal with.


The effect the Biofield Tuning has had on me can be simply described as mind blowing! Christina was able to pin-point with incredible accuracy difficult or traumatic periods in my life and help to ease the pain that I still carried. She could locate and clear negative issues and blockages in my energy flow which I have subconsciously carried from my past and I was able to feel distinct changes in my body and mind once these blockages were cleared. This left me feeling energised and revitalised.


She recently worked on arthritic pain in my hand with incredible results too - after just one session the inflammation has visibly reduced by at least 80%, my mobility in that hand has improved dramatically and the pain has subsided to virtually nothing - even after working hard these last few days. 


I thoroughly recommend anyone to get in touch with Christina - prepare yourself to be amazed. A massive thank you and WOW!!'

Steve Bryant, mechanic 

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About Christina

Sound and kinaesthetic knowing are my natural elements. A professional musician for decades, Reiki Master since the mid '90s, Gongmaster since 2016, Kundalini Yoga Instructor since 2017 and Biofield Practitioner Since 2022, I also love to get my hands dirty in the garden, create tasty food and make all kinds of stuff. Helping others to health and wholeness is my passion. 

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Woman doing meditation yoga mudra of hands and relax at blooming spring lush meadow with g

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